Lifelong tools to transform how you teach.

Gain confidence and ideas that you can immediately start using in your yoga classes.


What we’ll cover:

1. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

One of the most common frustrations experienced by yoga teachers with a 200-hour yoga teacher training is the feeling that they are not qualified enough to teach their students. This fear can be paralyzing and can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt. Other yoga teachers make it look so easy, so why can’t you?

In this session we’ll explore some great ways to overcome imposter syndrome so you can stand up in front of your class feeling CONFIDENT AND EXCITED to teach!

2. How To Turn One Pose Into A Thousand Poses

Ever feel you’re running out of poses to teach? Are you worried your students are bored of doing ‘the same’ pose? What if there was a way to uncover an endless amount of variations of a pose as simple as tadasana (mountain pose)?

In this session we will explore how we can get EVEN MORE CREATIVE with our yoga poses so that we can offer the widest buffet of variations possible.

3. How To Create Smart & Effective Sequences

Intelligent sequencing is an art and a science. What can turn a good yoga teacher into a GREAT YOGA TEACHER is the ability to create smart and effective sequences that support the intention of the class and level of the students.

In this session you will discover a framework for sequencing yoga poses that you can apply to your classes and your own practice so that you can offer more balance, transformation and empowerment to your students and yourself.

This workshop will be taught by Manouk Tideman. She is a therapist, teacher trainer, and human-being trying to navigate life. She used to be (and sometimes still is!) nervous about teaching, worried she doesn’t know enough and has occasional brain-farts during class. She is also part of the faculty of The Yoga Therapy Institute and runs inspiring, non-dogmatic, and heartfelt yoga trainings and retreats across the globe. Her yoga practice has supported her to live an incredibly full life despite multiple open-heart surgeries and relentless anxiety. Find out more about Manouk here.